
GGP – Seizing export opportunity through collaborative logistics

While various sectors have had a major impact due to the pandemic, agriculture is the second sector after manufacturing that has consistently grown despite the pandemic challenge. Agriculture exports in Q2 2021 grew by 0.38 percent where horticulture is one of its sub-sectors. Compared to 2019, horticulture exports in 2020 grew by 37.75 percent in value at $645.48 million. The increase in exports was dominated by fruits commodities at $389.9 million or 30.31 percent higher than 2019 with five main export destinations including China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan.

“The demand for fruits is increasing quite significantly for both domestic and foreign market during Covid-19 pandemic and this is a great opportunity for both business and fruit farmers,” Coordinating Minister for Economic Affairs Airlangga Hartanto said during virtual event The First Export with Special Feeder in Panjang Port Lampung on Sunday, August 29.

The resumption of business and economic activities in several countries resulting in high freight costs, limited number of empty containers, to the shortage of equipment and space on board. This happens because the port infrastructure is still trying to anticipate the sudden increase in demand for sea transportation. The collaboration between Great Giant Pineapple and Meratus Line is expected to provide positive changes and become one of the solutions to overcome existing logistical constraints.

Great Giant Pineapple who is working together with farmers through the Creating Shared Value (CSV) program will routinely export a total of 350 TEUs or equivalent to 6,300 tons of canned pineapple per week with the final destination of the United States and Europe. The collaboration with PT Meratus Line will serve direct calls from Panjang Port Lampung to Singapore.

The event was also attended by the Office of the Coordinating Economic Minister’s Secretary Susiwijono Moegiarso, Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi, GGP’s Corporate Affairs Welly Soegiono, PT Meratus Line’s Chief Executive Officer Farid Belbouab, PT IPC TPK’s Commercial and Business Development Director David Sirait, Deputy Assistant to the Trade Facilitation Tatang Yuliono, Deputy Assistant to the National Logistics Development Erwin Raza, and Deputy Assistant to the Horticulture Agribusiness Development Yuli Sri Wilanti.