
Great Giant Pineapple Received TOP CSR 2022 Awards from TOP Business Magazine

On March 30, 2022, Great Giant Pineapple (GGP) received TOP CSR Awards 2022 # 5 Stars and Top Leader on CSR Commitment 2022 which was achieved by GGP’s President Director, Tommy Wattimena W.

The award is given to companies which are considered successful in carrying out effective CSR/TJSL/Community Development programs. TOP CSR Awards are not only about assessment and awarding, but also include sharing and learning processes to improve the CSR quality within companies.

The 2022 Top CSR Awards was held at the Raffles Hotel Jakarta on Wednesday 30 March, and raised a theme “Being a Responsible Company is a Key Strategy for Business Sustainable Growth.”

Top CSR Awards, held annually by Top Business Magazine, in collaboration with a number of institutions such as the Indonesian Governance Professional Association (PaGI); Indonesian GRC Association; Corebest (CSR consulting and training agency); LKN (Nawacita Study Institute); Pakem Foundation (Microfinance Development Foundation); PT Sinergi Daya Prima (SDP)–GCG consultant; SGL Management (Management and business consultant); Business Performance Solutions (Indonesian: Solusi Kinerja Bisnis or SKB).