
Working With Customers And Business Partners

A. Business Partner relationships
B. International Trade Controls (ITC) laws
C. Money laundering prevention
D. Privacy

1A. Business Partner relationships
GS Group’s relationships with suppliers are based on lawful and fair practices. We expect our suppliers to meet high labor standards for their employees, treat them fairly, provide safe and healthy working conditions and uphold environmental standards. This is to ensure that our business partner relationships will not damage our reputation and its long-term business sustainability. We also require our business partners to sign an agreement/undertaking not to bribe our employees.

What does it mean for me?

1B. International Trade Control (ITC) laws?
International Trade Control (ITC) laws affect the transfer of goods, services and technology across national borders. These laws apply to GS Group’s operations beyond the shipping of products. Exchanges of information across national boundaries, including e-mail and web access, are subject to trade controls.

What does it mean for me?

1C. Money laundering prevention?
People involved in criminal activity – e.g., terrorism, narcotics, bribery and fraud – may attempt to “launder” the proceeds of their crimes to hide them or make them appear legitimate. GS Group is committed to complying with all anti-money laundering and anti-terrorism laws worldwide. It will conduct business only with reputable customers involved in legitimate business activities and with funds derived from legitimate sources.

What does it mean for me?

1D. Privacy
A growing number of countries are regulating the collection and use of consumers’ “personal data” (names, home and office contact information, etc.). Additionally, many countries regulate the personal data of company representatives in business-to-business transactions. GS Group is committed to handling personal data responsibly and in compliance with applicable privacy laws.

What does it mean for me?